Friday, May 30, 2008

the great debate: pirates or ninjas.

on live journal they have a button called 'writer's block' which prompts you to answer a question and post the answer. yesterday the question was "pirates or ninjas?". i composed a venn diagram to try and work it out. though, i still don't know where my pre-fer-ence lies.


Brian Moon said...

Pirates often have parrots or sometimes monkeys as pets.

But this is a deep question with many ramifications. I like your rational, measured scientific approach to the issue.

Michelle Auer said...

I am way too addicted to Writer's Block. It is like doing a meme that never ends. I best be careful mentioning LJ on here though. (For obvs reasons that I don't need to stalk... I mean talk about)

I would choose to be a ninja with an eye patch, therefore a ninja with depth perception issues. ;-)
I just decided... Mragh!