Tuesday, March 4, 2008

i think green tea tastes like seaweed. in a bad way.



Michelle Auer said...

The only green teas I like are mixed with other stuff. Like Jasmine green tea. I'm in LOVE with it and it is $4 a box of 100 in the ID. YUM.
But yes, straight green tea = seaweed for me too.

Unknown said...

you need to take me to the ID. i can't go alone. i. am. frightened. DUDE.

for_the_lonely said...

I like the Lipton green tea..it tastes like pear juice.

Green tea said...

Guess it is the English/Irish
I have..been drinking Green tea since I was a kid
Back when you didn't have many choices.
Brew it sometime with some mint leaves.
Black tea only for Ice tea.